Hey guys i thought i'd write this to inform you what Heidi Montag Gossip is really about. First off all i know alot went down with Heidi last month that i did'nt post about, for example, Heidi Guest Hosting the View and the out n' about paparazzi shot that have surface the web but not Heidi Montag Gossip, In my opinion thats not gossip and it's rarely intresting, this blog is about keeping you guys updated on her album and her juciest stories that keep u entertained, i want people who visit this blog amused and intrested by posts on this blog, what i don't want is people reading one post finding it intresting and jaw dropping and then the next boring and unnessery and skipping through to find the next intresting post, I want intresting and jaw dropping all the time. Getting back to the album, Heidi will release the album shortly and i will keep you guys posted with every sorted little inch of details that i find and thats a promise.
Remember October 25th is Judgement Day for this Blog, keep those comments coming and the blog may stand a chance for survival, i love you guys and once again greatful for all your emails (even if its just to say this blogs rocks lol) and your support is amazing, thank you.