Sunday 23 August 2009

NO Music Video for Body Language!

Apparently Heidi and Spencer have annouced on their official UStream page that a video for Body Language has only come as far as discussion! Spencer reveals that the video has a budget that they cannot afford at the moment, although they are in talks with photographer Mathew Rolston (Whos is also the photographer for Heidi's Playboy Spread) to shoot the video no date is set at this moment or time.


  1. Awwwwwwwww, I want a video!!!!

  2. this song deserves video... :(

  3. I think this song deserves an international release! America Europe, Asia, Russa... etc!!

  4. What is your source? Yourself.

  5. No lovie every Heidi Montag site ther is out there! dont beleeive me look it up ASS!

    Btw, im Music Is The Heart Of Our Soul's Source HAHA
